Thursday 16 October 2014

The advert I picked was unleash the reb'l fleur. I picked this because I found it very intreseting to watch and I think I would be able to write a lot about this advert.i picked this because i think it very different and i could right alot about it.

Friday 3 October 2014

Hugo Boss 2006

The Hugo Boss advert is played with the celebrity Jonathan Rhys Myers this is good use of celebrity endorsement because he is young and good looking. in the Ad Hugo Boss is going through a urban setting and it looks like a sketch and an animation. there are a lot of spot colours used for example; traffic light, and when he opens the perfume bottle splashes of colour squirt out of the bottle. the affect of him jumping off a 14 story building and survive make the target audience which is 16-35, think that if they use this perfume you will be invincible. when the man tips the frame 90 degrees it shows that he just kicked the wall and it all just fell.they use a lot of parcours in the ad. the colour red is used a lot because it is the colour of the perfume and the colour of the logo. they use people that look smaller than him, for example; they use women when he is walking down the street, that are tiny compared to him this represents that if you use this perfume everyone else will be smaller than you and you will be the best. Hugo Boss is always in the middle of the screen because it shows that he what you are suppose to be looking at. when he throws the paper and it comes back as a big metal ball and then when he tips the screen it rips away the rest of the scene. when he is on the record player it is very good because it shows that this is not just for young people because record players are quite old fashioned as well which means it can be used for older people. the main colours they use are; red, yellow, green. these are very bold colours and stand out a lot. at the end of the advertisement the whole scene disappears into the bottle which shows that when you spray this perfume this adventure is coming towards you. they use a urban scene to show that ordinary people can use this perfume. when he is walking all the women are turning and looking at him, this shows that when you wear this perfume everyone, especially women, will look at you as royalty. the music is very upbeat and rocky so that it makes you want to carry on watching it. the message of the perfume is when you wear Hugo Boss, you will look like Jonathan Rhys Myers you will act like him and you will have his life just from one spray of the bottle.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

on Thursday i worked in a group with Natasha Fuller, Jack Millard and Alfie. we did a film about two police officers trying to catch a mysterious women. she then runs away so the police officers are forced to shoot her. this is a action film. when we came to the editing i worked with Natasha and we did some editing together. when we did the editing we found some parts hard and some parts easy. if we were to improve this we would make sure that we would make it not blurry and make sure that the camera is more steady. it was a lot of suspense because we didn't know if the lady was going to survive or not, but when we went to check if she was dead we said she was. at the end of the film she opens her eyes to show the audience that she is not dead. this makes the audience want to carry on watching.