Wednesday 1 October 2014

on Thursday i worked in a group with Natasha Fuller, Jack Millard and Alfie. we did a film about two police officers trying to catch a mysterious women. she then runs away so the police officers are forced to shoot her. this is a action film. when we came to the editing i worked with Natasha and we did some editing together. when we did the editing we found some parts hard and some parts easy. if we were to improve this we would make sure that we would make it not blurry and make sure that the camera is more steady. it was a lot of suspense because we didn't know if the lady was going to survive or not, but when we went to check if she was dead we said she was. at the end of the film she opens her eyes to show the audience that she is not dead. this makes the audience want to carry on watching.

1 comment:

  1. You worked well with your group filming then editing: well done. You will need to use media language when writing about your production practices, such as 'We used a high angle shot to show..." and "We included a shot reverse shot sequence when..."
    Grade A for practical work.
