Thursday 12 February 2015

Media cover work

notes on the extract master and commander

  • ·         Fast movement
  • ·         Silence creates suspense
  • ·         Silence ended by loud cannon noises.
  • ·         Several close up shots
  • ·         Explosion makes some of the boat destroyed
  • ·         Establishing shot of the boat
  1.   The extracts typically an historical AA genre as you can feel the suspense when everything goes silent, then you see a bright light and the captain shouts “duck and cover” this I when most of the boat gets destroyed. Captain Jack is a heroic protagonist and so he shows courage in the face of danger. The captain of the ship is very stereotypical as he is in control and bosses the rest of the crew around. There are a lot of close up shots and there is one establishing shot of the ship. The fog creates isolation and this creates suspense. you can tell who the villainous antagonist is the pirates in the other ship. this shows as they are throwing cannons at the other ship.on of the conventions used which makes it a typical AA genre is that when the cannons hit the ship and parts of the ship gets destroyed. the audience is positioned as the officer of the watch as we saw the ship but the officer did not see it.
  2.    Soundtrack- builds suspense and shows there is jeopardy. This also makes the audience sit on the edge of their seat. the drums as well which is dyegetic sound the drum roll is the warning so the people get into position to fight. there is dyegetic when they are trying to get into position, they hear commander shouting at them to move, this builds a picture of fast pace, frantic and frightened atmosphere. Camera work- the camera work is very varied as they have close-ups and they also have long shots and establishing shots, this makes it more AA genre.there was a POV shot when the Captain is looking through the telescope Editing- the editing is very good as you see parts of the ship being destroyed and blown up when the explosion from the cannons hit the ship.Mise-en-scene- the fog, ships and show that it is from ages ago and they seem like pirates.

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