Monday 21 September 2015


Q. 3 Discuss the representations in the extract.
Refer to stereotypes in your answer.
Use examples from the extract.
You might consider the representation of

gender: there are 2 spies in the extract, one female and one male.they are represented in different ways as the women is represented in the way where she is adventerous which is not the stereotypical woman. the man on the other hand is very stereotypical as he jumps off cliffs and has guns.

race and nationality:

love and marriage: it says in the extract that they get married and they have 2 kids which means that they obviously love each other and so you think they are a stereotypical family but then on the other hand they are the complete different to a stereotypical family as the parents are spies. 

spies: they are very stereotypical spies as they have guns and cool gadgets to show this. they are also very clever as they know where and when people are and what they are doing. they also knew exactly what to do when the invasion happened because they are trained to know.

1 comment:

  1. This is the second attempt for the class on this particular exam question. You do not seem to have remembered that to get even a level 1, you must write in specific detail. Re-do this work by next lesson, please.
