Tuesday 28 April 2015

Luminous fabrics, the awakening of a sun Goddess. she is bathed in sunlight
Thierry Mugler's Alien offers women the chance to become as radiant as the woman represented. The central figure is depicted as a sun goddess who draws her power from the radiance of the sun. The setting is a traditional ancient temple set in the desert and as the eclipse allows the light of the sun to pour through the roof space, the goddess becomes incandescent with its glowing light. The light is beamed into the bottle of Alien and the message to the target buyer is that she too can look as glorious and as beautiful as the sun goddess does.

wanted to symbolize transformation
Using an eclipse in the opening immediately gives the impression that something exciting and other worldly ("Alien") is about to happen because eclipses are very rare so you know before you even see the main part of the advert that it is going to be about something unusual. This fits in well with the representation of the woman as a sun goddess who draws her exotic power from the sun. 

they wanted to depict metamorphosis
The building is very unusual looking, almost other-worldly, set in the middle of nowhere.It looks like a temple that a sun goddess might worship in. The architecture of the building both monumental and futuristic. It is big and impressive, with 6 free standing pillars surrounding a central domed temple, with a central skylight in the dome through which the light of sun pours in. The building is oriental like The Blue Mosque in Istanbul.Inside, it is dark and mysterious with light coming from one central point and falling in a star shape, which contributes to the overall representation of a goddess in her celestial role as giver of radiant light. I found the interior architecture very interesting and i researched both western and middle eastern styles in religious buildings. As a result i found that Mugler's Alien uses both styles which would allow it to sell to both western and eastern audiences with their distinctive heritages and traditions.
about wakening

 At the center of this advertisement is the representation of the woman. She appears as a statuesque
This shows the light coming down onto the women her hands are up which is inviting the perfume down to her hands. This resembles the act that the perfume is royalty and will enter your hands.
This is where she is holding the perfume and her whole body lights up and this shows that if you wear this perfume or buy this perfume you will light up with joy and will look and feel like this women.

This is the perfume bottle, the bottle is futuristic which shows that it is called alien. It is glass and purple with a gold nozzle and a rim of gold. The fact that the nozzle is gold shows royalty, also the women is dressed in gold and the whole room is gold. This makes the bottle and the scene match.

This shows the bottle floating above her (this is what a alien does, does not touch the floor or hand) you can also see her face is very serious and shows that she s being brought forward and is, herself floating above the floor.

This is the end of the advert and you can see the perfume up in close up and also the women is at the center of the picture to show you are suppose to be looking at her. The looks very royal and has her hands out, it says the name of the perfume on the side then on the other side is the actual perfume.

This advert shows the perfume emerging through the ceiling of this amazing building then entering the lady's hand but without touching her and then bringing her closer to the screen. The message of Alien  is that if you wear this perfume you will be as goddess-like, beautiful and as powerful as the sun goddess.


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