Tuesday 28 April 2015

 B321 analytical assignment- a comparison of the representation of woman in fragrance advertisement from the 1920s, 2012,

I have chosen to compare three different advertisements that cover a range of representations- xxxxxxxx Vivauduo (print 1920s), Alien (Thierry Mugler, television advert 2012)

Vivadou creams and powders (print, 1920)

The central representation of the advertisement of a woman who is sophisticated, glamorous and sensual and who is applying Vivaudou talcum powder and cream on her decolleté Her body posture shows that she is enjoying the sensation of putting on the cream and it is soothing her. This is shown by her face being tilted upwards and her wearing a lot of make-up and expensive jewellery. She has got her hands on her bare breasts to sow she is putting the cream on.

The fur that the lady is wearing is a symbol of her glamor, wealth and sensuality. It is now illegal to kill animals for their fur, so this helps the wearer of the perfume realize that this print advert is from a long time ago. Only the richest people can afford real animal fur. She has pushed the fur coat off her back to show she is so glamorous and is relishing the fact she is putting all the cream and powder on her body. Her eyes are closed and her head is tilted back to show that she is in a dream and revelry. 

The representation of the woman is partly constructed through striking use of densely saturated colour, with red and black predominating. The red emphasizes the passion of the cream and powder and the black emphasizes wealth. This is also the colour of the cream and powders she is using on her decolleté.

In comparison to my television advert, Alien this is the same, in ways that the woman is the central person. In Alien the woman is represented as a goddess but in this the woman is represented as glamorous and sensual.  Also Alien is set in the future and has very high technology therefore it could not have been made when this advert was made (1920).

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