Friday 5 December 2014

  • Un air Embaume (1920, print)
  • the girl is very petite an is wearing the typical oriental clothes
  • the Peacock is a very majestic and exotic animal 
  • she lives in some sort of tent but it is very dark and hidden in the tent but very bright and sunshine outside which contrasts her life.

  • representation- the girls is in a huge dress which shows that she is wealthy
  • she is being carried/ helped by men.
  • she is smiling which shows that she is happy and enjoying life.
  • there are curtains either side to maybe show she has been in the theatre and theatres are for the wealthy.
  • the bottle is very simple with a very simple font.

Coty Emeraude (print 1921)
  • the word is in a fancy font to show it's fancy
  • he women in some ways has her back to us to show she is looking down on us.
  • her make up and jewellery show that she is very wealthy as she has a diamond earing and a diamond braclet.
  • her huge dress also shows she wealthy and can afford to go to balls and wear this ball gown
  • her dress is green and so is her eyeshadow which is the colour of the bottle and the stone "emerald" this is french and france is a city of love and a city of wealth.

Thursday 27 November 2014

this is Kurt from Glee. he is your stereotypical homosexual man. he is very dramatic and a drama queen. on his t-shirt it says likes boys this is showing that he doesn't care if people know he is gay. he is also pouting and this is showing homosexual people in a certain way.

This is a posh totty from the film St Trinians. she is stereotypically seen as posh because she has her tie done all the way up to the top and her hair is in very neat curls. when you here her voice she is English and has a very posh accent.
This is an emo from St Trinians. this is a very big stereotype because she is dressed in all black she has also died her hair black with some different coloured highlights. she has high knee socks and her tie is worn low so it shows she is a rebel she has badges over her belt and also has a lot of make-up on with dark eye-shadow on.
This is Alison from Pretty Little Liars. she is a stereotypical popular girl who is blonde and rich. she has a lot of friends and is not a nice person. in all films/tv shows the popular girl isn't liked and this is shown in this tv programme.

Phoebe from friends is stereotypically a dumb blonde woman who is kind of a hippie. she doesn't understand what's going on. She often gets picked on in the cast. she is also up for anything.

Thursday 16 October 2014

The advert I picked was unleash the reb'l fleur. I picked this because I found it very intreseting to watch and I think I would be able to write a lot about this advert.i picked this because i think it very different and i could right alot about it.

Friday 3 October 2014

Hugo Boss 2006

The Hugo Boss advert is played with the celebrity Jonathan Rhys Myers this is good use of celebrity endorsement because he is young and good looking. in the Ad Hugo Boss is going through a urban setting and it looks like a sketch and an animation. there are a lot of spot colours used for example; traffic light, and when he opens the perfume bottle splashes of colour squirt out of the bottle. the affect of him jumping off a 14 story building and survive make the target audience which is 16-35, think that if they use this perfume you will be invincible. when the man tips the frame 90 degrees it shows that he just kicked the wall and it all just fell.they use a lot of parcours in the ad. the colour red is used a lot because it is the colour of the perfume and the colour of the logo. they use people that look smaller than him, for example; they use women when he is walking down the street, that are tiny compared to him this represents that if you use this perfume everyone else will be smaller than you and you will be the best. Hugo Boss is always in the middle of the screen because it shows that he what you are suppose to be looking at. when he throws the paper and it comes back as a big metal ball and then when he tips the screen it rips away the rest of the scene. when he is on the record player it is very good because it shows that this is not just for young people because record players are quite old fashioned as well which means it can be used for older people. the main colours they use are; red, yellow, green. these are very bold colours and stand out a lot. at the end of the advertisement the whole scene disappears into the bottle which shows that when you spray this perfume this adventure is coming towards you. they use a urban scene to show that ordinary people can use this perfume. when he is walking all the women are turning and looking at him, this shows that when you wear this perfume everyone, especially women, will look at you as royalty. the music is very upbeat and rocky so that it makes you want to carry on watching it. the message of the perfume is when you wear Hugo Boss, you will look like Jonathan Rhys Myers you will act like him and you will have his life just from one spray of the bottle.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

on Thursday i worked in a group with Natasha Fuller, Jack Millard and Alfie. we did a film about two police officers trying to catch a mysterious women. she then runs away so the police officers are forced to shoot her. this is a action film. when we came to the editing i worked with Natasha and we did some editing together. when we did the editing we found some parts hard and some parts easy. if we were to improve this we would make sure that we would make it not blurry and make sure that the camera is more steady. it was a lot of suspense because we didn't know if the lady was going to survive or not, but when we went to check if she was dead we said she was. at the end of the film she opens her eyes to show the audience that she is not dead. this makes the audience want to carry on watching.

Friday 19 September 2014

Austin Powers and Tom Cruise
we watched the ad Austin Powers and tom cruise. one convention used here is jeopardy and suspense. it has Austin Powers jumping over the helicopter and you don't know of he is going to land or also have the car chases and the helicopter shooting at the motorbike. they also put the scene where Austin Powers is jumping over the helicopter in slow motion for suspense. the music in the background shows jeopardy. the fact that they used Tom Cruise shows that Austin is young and good looking when in actual fact he is not.
picture of tom cruise (Austin Powers) jumping over helicopter

Thursday 18 September 2014

Lucozade The Edge

here on TellyAds.
today we watch the advert one of lucozade's longest running campaign was 'the Edge'. the ad was very clever in that they tilted the lucozade bottle on the side to represent that at the end of a race it could be the size of the lucozade bottle between you and the person behind you. if you drink lucozade you will be the person in front rather than the person behind.

the edge is the distance between winning the race and loosing the race

 i used TellyAds vintage to watch the ad 'Lucozade Aids recovery'. Lucozade is being represented as a drink that cure young children that are Ill. it claimed that the product will cure any kids that are ill. the perfect child will drink Lucozade. the ad makes the mums think that if you buy Lucozade yuo care about your child but if you don't they you feel guilty.
picture of child drinking lucozade

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Heineken and quantum of solace
* Resembles Bond movie starring Daniel Craig (celebrity endorsement)
* The advert was created in 2012 when Skyfall was released.
* Targets male audience by persuading them that drinking Heineken will bring you action and adventure.
* It was made to look like a James Bond movie, action and adventure convenctions include jeopardy, a smooth hero, villians and weapons and chases and a exotic location.
* the advert is taken part in the orient express because there is glamour, beautiful women and cosinos.
Duffy Diet Coke Advert.

the advert was to show young women that if they drink Diet coke then you are going to be as pretty and as talented as Duffy. i think they used Duffy as she is young and talented to make people want to be her. they used a lot of celebrity endorsement. at the end of the advert it says 'hello to the new you' which means if you drink Diet coke you will have a new you which is better than the one before when you didn't drink Diet Coke. the celebrity franchise is used well here in the advert.
Chloe Cundy

Wednesday 10 September 2014

in the coke zero advert with James Bond the men are firstly represented as strong and will be able to cope with danger because of the colours of the advert which are red and black, these are dark colours so it represents the danger. This makes the product come across that if you drink coke zero you will turn into a man like this. Later on in the advert there are silhouettes of women in the back ground which make you think if you drink this drink you will have all the girls after you. The speed cars make you think that the man has everything he needs money (to afford the nice car) and women. In a scene there are two men fighting which represents people fighting over the drink which will make the people watching this think it's really good. At the end there are two people holding the bottle then the bottles bubbles turn into the end 'o' in the word 'zero'. In conclusion this advert is a very good synergy. the AA codes if this advert are the car chases, the girls and the men fighting. the advert represents men and the product in such a good way that you wouldn't want to miss out on this product. Chloe Cundy